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Explore relevant dreams: Symbols

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Dreams about islands typically symbolize independence, isolation, and freedom. They may reflect your desire to "get away" from certain people or situations in your life. Islands can also represent a sense of refuge or a safe haven where you can be yourself. It is possible that your Island dream signifies a need for solitude or a desire to break free from certain obligations. Additionally, Islands may also represent the idea of embarking on a new journey or project.

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Dreams about key symbolize a sense of power and control. It could be representative of unlocking potential or accessing something critical to effecting a change in your life. It is also a sign of protection and security. Depending on the context of your dream, it could suggest a young method of gaining control and power, or of finding a solution to a difficult problem.

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The motive of kidnapping in a dream represents that a dreamer is deprived of the qualities or traits of a certain person who is kidnapped.

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Laughter in a dream in most of the times indicates a relaxation, a success after a struggle.

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Dreaming about a lhama can indicate an impending change in your life. It can suggest that it is time to take a closer look at the way you manage your life and make changes accordingly. It can also indicate a need to reconsider your approach to problem solving or to the way in which you interact with people in your life. The lhama could be a sign that it is time to let go of old ideas and patterns that are no longer serving you and that you need to seek out a new and different perspective. Practicing a more mindful approach, such as the Jungian method, can help you recognize the positive potential of this change.

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The Lipstick Dream is an interpretation of a dream developed by Carl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst. In this dream, the dreamer applies large quantities of bright red lipstick. This symbolizes a need to present a strong, confident image to the outside world. Other interpretive meanings could include feeling in charge of one's emotions, wanting to sparkle in social situations, or even wanting attention. Depending on the context of the dream, this could be positive or suggest feelings of insecurity or inferiority.

Losing the job
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Losing job in a dream can represent a fear of change in life and a fear of losing feeling of security.

Losing, being lost
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If we are lost in a dream, we usually feel lost in waking life as well.

But if we dream that we have lost something, then the dream is indicating we should lose it, since we should use something else, different or remain without it.