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Explore relevant dreams: Symbols

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Fance is a form of meditation commonly used in Jungian psychotherapy. It is based on the idea of allowing oneself to become aware of the unconscious content of the imagination. A practitioner of Fance develops their own mental images in a quiet and relaxed environment, allowing them to confront inner issues that they might not have noticed before. The technique can help individuals become aware of past traumas as well as current worries that may be influencing their behavior. There are also ways to use fance for creative expression and problem-solving.

Film, movie
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The dream about a film or a movie has many different meanings. It might indicate the distance from the real life…or reluctance of the dreamer to live his normal life. Or the scene in a dream might be in a certain manner showing the actual situation of the dreamer that he/she is not really aware of

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Fire in dream represents death and transformation or figurately also passion.

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Dreams about flying can be symbolic, indicating a sense of freedom. They can also represent a feeling of being out of control or lacking direction in life. Dreams of flying can also be interpreted as a desire to escape or let go of old habits, burdens or emotions. Additionally, flying can be viewed as an expression of faith, daring or ambition. Finally, dreaming of flying can, in some cases, represent a potential for achieving success or spiritual enlightenment.

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Food in a dream speaks of relationship, of the energy with which invest into a relationship.

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The symbol of the forest, is an area of ​​animals and usually represents our unconscious, instincts, drives and depths.

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A dream about galaxies may refer to a feeling of mystery or vastness in life. Jung Method is the psychotherapeutic approach developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, which emphasizes the importance of understanding the unconscious mind in guiding personal growth and behavior. It looks at the relationship between the conscious and unconscious elements of the mind and encourages individuals to explore their personal beliefs and values in order to gain a greater sense of self-awareness and insight.

Getting married unexpectedly in 3 days.
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In the dream, I suddenly found out that I was getting married in only three days. I was completely unprepared and caught off guard, but everyone around me seemed to be excited and jumping into action to help me plan the wedding. Despite feeling overwhelmed and confused, I also felt a sense of anticipation and joy thinking about marrying my partner. The dream ended with me rushing around trying to make last minute preparations for the big day.