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Dream symbol: ouroboros

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Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. It is associated with cyclicality, the idea of a loop that is a continuous cycle of creation and destruction. In psychotherapy, the term has been used to represent the journey to explore the self, and its journey is often referred to as the ouroboric loop. This is a therapeutic process developed by Carl Jung and it encourages the in-depth exploration of the individual's unconscious beliefs and experiences. Such exploration can help uncover potential sources of pain that are then integrated and resolved.

What does it mean 

The ouroboros is a symbol of eternal return and cyclicality, often depicting a serpent or dragon consuming its own tail. In many interpretations, the ouroboros symbolizes the unity of all things, the life cycle of the cosmos, and the infinity of time. It is thus seen as a powerful symbol of life and eternity.

Jungian Method is an approach to psychotherapy developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875–1961). It emphasizes the importance of archetypes, symbols, and the collective unconscious in understanding psychological development and the healing of psychological issues. The aim of the Jungian approach is to help patients become more conscious of their inner world and how it influences their behavior and thoughts.

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