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Dream symbol: Music

Expert Verified

Music in dream can open the door to a creative part of ourselves. If there’s a music in our dream, we do not usually use or the music in a dream might indicate something special, something important.

Music in dream can open the door to a creative part of ourselves. If there’s a music in our dream, we do not usually use or the music in a dream might indicate something special, something important.

What does it mean 

Music in the dreams of people who otherwise do not play musical instruments can mean that they are not paying enough attention to their creative side, but it can also be a connection with the emotional work, if it is malnourished, so that they connect more with themselves. It is important which musical instrument a person plays in a dream and what it means to him/her, what dreams want to replace - what is missing in waking life.

Positive aspects 

Negative aspects 

Different contexts 

Relevant questions 

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