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Dream symbol: i swim under water and i can breathe

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The Jungian interpretation of this dream would focus on the symbolic meaning of the act of swimming underwater and being able to breathe—that you are utilizing the strength of your own inner resources to be empowered and able to cope and move forward in life. It could indicate that you are at a point in life where you are overcoming obstacles or mastering personal challenges.

What does it mean 

Dreams are symbols of something that is happening in your waking life. The dream of swimming underwater and being able to breathe likely reflects a feeling of being in control and having power to explore and discover something new that may be hidden in your life. It could also suggest a feeling of connectedness and flow between different aspects of your life that is bringing about a sense of ease and freedom.

Positive aspects 

Negative aspects 

Positive aspects (full) 

Negative aspects (full) 

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