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Dream symbol: Clothes, shoes

Expert Verified

Clothes and shoes represent the image we want (or don’t want) others to see us in.

Clothes and shoes represent the image we want (or don’t want) others to see us in.


What does it mean 

The clothes in a dream represent our Persona – that is a complex dealing with our wish how other people should see us. It helps us when we play a certain role – a doctor’s uniform for instance…helps, so people don’t ask him to change their tyres, but they expect him to heal them. But the issue is problematic, when a manager, for instance, does not leave his manager uniform at work and he plays a manager also at home, instead of being a father and a husband, he continues to order like a manager. In that case, he is too much glued to the clothes – persona, that he/she is showing to the people.

The shoes in dream can signify many things, one of them is capability to do something (we say – these are too big shoes for him), or in Freudian psychoanalysis even a sexual intercourse.

Positive aspects 

Negative aspects 

Different contexts 

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