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Dream symbol: Argument

Expert Verified

Certain argument in dream signifies the opinion one advocates in awaken life, but perhaps doubts in it or one has the feeling of not being heard or respected

Certain argument in dream signifies the opinion one advocates in awaken life, but perhaps doubts in it or one has the feeling of not being heard or respected

What does it mean 

Sometimes in dreams one is trying to convince someone based on his/her arguments. If the arguments are the same as one is trying to pursue to advocate in wakefulness, it may be well to reconsider whether we are persuading ourselves. This is what usually happens when we are not completely convinced of our arguments.

Or in opposite case we are trying to convice somebody of our arguments that are opossite to those we are advocating in the awaken life.

Or our point of view is limited to one point and missing other points of view.

Positive aspects 

Negative aspects 

Different contexts 

Relevant questions 

What to do