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A dream about galaxies may refer to a feeling of mystery or vastness in life. Jung Method is the psychotherapeutic approach developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, which emphasizes the importance of understanding the unconscious mind in guiding personal growth and behavior. It looks at the relationship between the conscious and unconscious elements of the mind and encourages individuals to explore their personal beliefs and values in order to gain a greater sense of self-awareness and insight.

time travel
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Dreaming about time travel symbolizes your desire for more control over your life and the direction that it is taking. It suggests that you want to be able to make choices that will have a lasting impact on your life. It may also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed and need to take a step back to reevaluate your choices and make more informed decisions. Alternatively, it may suggest that you feel stuck in a cycle that you can’t get out of, or that your life is at a standstill and you need to make some changes to move forward.

wild river
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Dreams about wild rivers can have a range of different meanings depending on the context of the dream and the feelings that you experience while experiencing the dream. Generally, dreaming about wild rivers can symbolize freedom, unbridled emotion, passion, and being true to yourself. It can also symbolize chaotic energy, vulnerability, and a need to break free from restrictions and unleash your creative side. Additionally, it could be a reflection of a situation in your life that has been left unresolved and is now a source of unrest.

buddhist monk
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This dream may represent your need to find inner peace and the courage to ask the hard questions about your life. It could also reflect your desire to learn more about spiritual practices and different methods of understanding yourself. The Buddhist monk could represent your own inner spirituality, while the Jung Method may symbolize the journey of self-discovery and inner exploration.

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Coin dream interpretation according to the Jung Method suggests that the dream object being a coin symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and success. Coins may also represent the need to be generous, or the need to invest energy and effort in order to receive a reward.

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Dreaming about a lhama can indicate an impending change in your life. It can suggest that it is time to take a closer look at the way you manage your life and make changes accordingly. It can also indicate a need to reconsider your approach to problem solving or to the way in which you interact with people in your life. The lhama could be a sign that it is time to let go of old ideas and patterns that are no longer serving you and that you need to seek out a new and different perspective. Practicing a more mindful approach, such as the Jungian method, can help you recognize the positive potential of this change.